Beware Of These 5 Spring Plumbing Problems

Temperatures are finally on the rise, flowers are getting ready to bloom, birds are chirping, and the sun feels a little bit brighter. Life is good…right?
Spring brings with it some potential nightmares. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies; Spring can actually wreak havoc on your home and lawn. You can get ahead of these 5 spring plumbing disasters so that all you’ll have to worry about is packing your picnic basket.
1. Leaky Pipes
Winter weather can make your pipes contract or fill with frozen water. This morphing can cause your pipes to crack. Warmer temperatures will invite your pipes to start expanding, so these small cracks can turn into much bigger problems.
Pipes that run outside or older pipes in your home are especially susceptible to cracks caused by freezing temps.
If you notice any musty smells, standing water, dripping, or your home’s water usage increasing, these may be signs of leaky pipes.
2. Spring Flooding
Perhaps the most common spring plumbing problem of them all is flooding caused by melting snow. Your basement or crawlspaces can easily fall victim to flooding, whether you see water or not. Obvious signs of flooding include:
- Rust
- Wet floors
- Musty odors
- Water stains on the walls or floor
Some less obvious but equally serious signs of spring flooding include:
- Dark spots at the base of concrete walls
- Your family being sick, which could be a sign of mold caused by leaks
- Flaking paint or buckling windows
- “Efflorescence,” which are the white or light grey rings that mark the edges of evaporated pools of water
Sump pumps are a great way to remove excess water from the foundation of your property.
3. Gutter Obstructions
Heavy winter winds can cause leaves, tree branches, and other debris to fall into your gutters. As plants begin to grow with the beginning of spring, they create more debris that land in your gutters. Serious obstructions can cause water to overflow onto your roof or down the side of your home. Not only can these overflows cause water damage, they can also stain your home’s exterior.
Blocked gutters can also cause water to pool, which can allow for corrosion, mold growth, and infestations.
4. Low Water Pressure
Low water pressure can be the result of any of the above three problems. Inadequate water pressure can be a symptom of leaks, gutter blockages, or flooding. In most cases, low water pressure is a tell tale sign of a leak somewhere in your home.
The plumbers at Fix-It 24/7 are skilled and trained in each of these spring plumbing disasters. They are ready to help you through any of these problems and make sure your home returns to normal. Don’t let the excitement of warmer weather distract you from protecting your home against the final pushes of winter. If you should run into any of these issues, we’ll be standing by ready for your call.
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