8 Reasons to Get an Indoor Air Quality Test

Poor air quality can make your home an unhealthy place to be. Do you often feel unwell, but are the symptoms only present when in your house, apartment, or office? There may be a serious indoor air quality issue. Only by thoroughly testing the air can you find out for sure and determine what is causing the problem.
Here are 8 reasons why it is important to have an air quality test.
1. Check Carbon Monoxide Levels
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas you cannot see or smell. In high enough levels, it can kill. Even small amounts can make you feel sick. You might have a headache or feel nauseous or dizzy for no obvious reason. The gas may be coming from a malfunctioning furnace, gas stove, or fireplace, so a carbon monoxide test can help you identify faulty appliances and mitigate other issues such as combustion particles in the air.
2. Allergens
Unclean indoor air can trigger allergy symptoms, worsen asthma, and lead to more serious breathing issues. Other effects can include itchy eyes, sore throat, and skin irritation, just to name a few. Testing the air can measure dust and dander levels and determine whether an indoor air cleaner or whole home humidifier should be installed. Testing for allergens and addressing the issue can help you live and work more comfortably.
3. Asbestos Check
Asbestos was commonly used for insulation in older homes. If your home hasn’t been checked or you’re moving into an older property (one built before 1980), an inspection for asbestos should be done. It is now labeled a hazardous substance. While asbestos remediation is expensive, it can avoid health problems such as lung cancer. Testing can even help determine whether buying a particular home is worth it.
4. Radon Check
A colorless, odorless gas found in the environment, radon can increase your risk of lung cancer. You can test for radon with DIY kits or have a professional do the testing. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says the average amount of radon in a home is 1.3 picocuries per liter; more than 4 picocuries per liter is unacceptable and should be addressed right away.
5. Pesticide Check
Pesticides are far too often used to deal with mice, termites, and other home pests, despite the risk they pose to human health. A 30–45-minute indoor air quality test performed by a professional can determine whether harmful pesticides are present. It can help determine if you’re using the wrong products or whether a new home you’re considering is contaminated with harmful chemicals.
6. Mold/Mildew Check
Mold and mildew can grow anywhere there is water or moisture and can cause respiratory issues and other problems. If a home has had floods or plumbing leaks in the past, there could be lingering issues. An air quality check should look at humidity levels and whether there are any hidden plumbing leaks. It can also verify the type of mold affecting your home.
7. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
If you have persistent migraines or other symptoms you can’t explain the cause of, these harmful chemicals may be present. Testing air quality can identify specific VOCs so you can take the appropriate action. Types of VOCs include chemicals used to make carpet stain- and flame-resistant, lemon-scented cleaning products, and chemicals in artificially scented candles.
8. Odors
Musty odors can mean there is mildew growing. The distinct smell of cigarette smoke, new carpeting, and cleaning products might not have a visible, immediately obvious source, but an air quality test can find it. Unusual odors should always be addressed immediately as they are a signal of a hidden problem you wouldn’t otherwise detect.
Contact Fix-It 24/7
Schedule professional indoor air quality testing if any of the above reasons apply in your home or office. Fix-It 24/7 is trusted for quality 24/7 air conditioning repair in the Denver area. We specialize in air quality evaluations, installing whole-home humidification systems, and inspecting and repairing HVAC ductwork.
Whether you suspect an air quality issue or require HVAC repair in Golden, CO, our trained technicians can be dispatched to your location and quickly fix the problem. Call (303) 214-0277 or request service online today.
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