6 Signs It’s Time for a Toilet Replacement in Denver

If you’re good about keeping your toilet maintained, it can run for a long time. However, eventually, you’ll find a problem that can’t be repaired or you’ll find a problem too late to fix. If that’s the case, you’ll have to call our technicians in Denver to get a toilet replacement. The key is knowing when your toilet is ready to be retired. Wait too long and you’ll have to deal with some serious water damage.
Here are 6 signs you should get a toilet replacement in Denver:
Built-up mineral deposits
If your home has issues with hard water, the minerals in the water might build up in the inlet holes or siphon tube. The buildup can make your toilet inefficient by preventing the water from flowing effectively. You might be able to chip away the buildups, but it may not always work and you’ll have to get a new toilet. If this is a problem, you might want to invest in a water softener to keep this from happening.
Frequent repairs
If your toilet needs frequent repairs, it might be time to replace it. All those repair bills can add up, and it might be less expensive to simply buy a new one outright. Similarly, if your toilet requires multiple repairs at once, it might be cheaper to replace it. Next time your old toilet gets a repair job, ask your plumber to determine if a new toilet is the best option.
When your toilet gets wobbly, that’s a sign of either a minor problem or a serious concern. It could be some loose screws, which are easily fixed by your plumber. However, wobbling can be a sign that the floor beneath the toilet is rotting or damaged by water. Either way, call a plumber if you notice your toilet wobbling.
Old age
If you have an older toilet, it might so happen that it works just fine. That’s not unexpected, as toilets can last a long while. However, it’s very likely not as efficient as newer models. Buying a newer toilet can help you save water and money in the long run.
Inefficient flushing
Are you concerned about how much money you’re spending on water bills? If so, it might be worth considering a more water-efficient model. The average toilet uses three to five gallons of water per flush, while a low-flush model only uses about two. If you’re environmentally-conscious about your water usage, it might be a good idea to replace your toilet.
Surface damage
If your toilet has lots of scratches, you might want to get a new toilet for cosmetic reasons. All those scratches can make it difficult to keep your toilet clean. The damage is likely to show up on older toilets that have been scrubbed a lot over their lifespan. If you’re cleaning your toilet more than you should, it might be time for a replacement.
What makes Fix-It 24/7 my best option for buying a new toilet?
Family owned and operated since 2013, we at Fix-It 24/7 pride ourselves on providing world-class service to our customers. Our name is what we do, and we’ll be there no matter the time if you wind up with a plumbing emergency. In addition, our technicians and supervisors are all EPA and NATE certified, have completed background checks, and take routine drug tests. If you’re looking for professionals in Denver to help you with a toilet replacement, call Fix-It 24/7 today!
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